Confessions from a Change Practitioner

My Professional Presence

Websites that feature the work I do for my consulting company and not for profit association. My professional articles and portfolio of work.

A compilation of Inspiration

List of books, articles, quotes, blogs or jumbled up thoughts that form my inspiration board and prompt me towards one direction or another.

My Journey in Photos

A picture paints a thousand words. My life and quirks as recorded through the lens of any camera as a series of short galleries.

Onwards to my ramblings

” If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

A U-Turn Moment

It's the eve of Chinese New Year. It was going to be a busy day; we are hosting a reunion dinner and our flight to a 10-day vacation is at midnight. The day passed with the expected flurry of juggling between work, prepping for dinner and confirming…
