Confessions from a Change Practitioner

My Professional Presence

Websites that feature the work I do for my consulting company and not for profit association. My professional articles and portfolio of work.

A compilation of Inspiration

List of books, articles, quotes, blogs or jumbled up thoughts that form my inspiration board and prompt me towards one direction or another.

My Journey in Photos

A picture paints a thousand words. My life and quirks as recorded through the lens of any camera as a series of short galleries.

Onwards to my ramblings

” If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Recharging Required

I guess there will always be days like this. You wake up revved and ready to take on the world. In your mind, you're convinced today will be a good day and you'll get so much done and you will be on TOP of the world. Well my plan went downhill…

Deep Work

One of my goals this year, is to blog more. Hence the creation and still continual re-designing of my personal blog space. In truth, I have been blogging since 2005 (and here's the link to prove it) and always knew the pen/keyboard has always…

Kai Shi 开始·

In the spirit of Chinese New Year, this post is dedicated to new beginnings. Now that we have some time over the next few days, it was definitely an opportunity to re-look at my life and reset a few things. Sam recommended the following article…
